速報APP / 遊戲 / Collapsed Little Red Riding Hood

Collapsed Little Red Riding Hood





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:東京都渋谷区渋谷2丁目17-3 渋谷アイビスビル9F

Collapsed Little Red Riding Hood(圖1)-速報App

Little Red Riding Hood was killed by a wolf by her grandma.

Little Red Riding Hood killed that wolf.

Still grandma does not come back.

The peaceful everyday of that time is already useless.

Little Red Riding Hood can not do anything I can feel this feeling

Collapsed Little Red Riding Hood(圖2)-速報App

I put it on the table and I could not do without expressing with a smile.

The story of such Little Red Riding Hood ....

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· I love half broken Little Red Riding Hood

· I like tab based games

Collapsed Little Red Riding Hood(圖3)-速報App

· I like monsters.

· I want to hunt monsters anyway

· I want to share killing monsters on Facebook, Twitter

· I like a free breeding game that will kill time

[Use image material]

Collapsed Little Red Riding Hood(圖4)-速報App

星乃だーつ グーテンベルグの娘 (Daughter of Hoshino Gutenberg)


Collapsed Little Red Riding Hood(圖5)-速報App